Tuition & Fees
Application Fee is due with Application
Members of New Life Non- members
K4-K5.........................................$3,400.00 YR $3,600.00
1-7 Grade....................................$3,200.00 YR $3,400.00
8-12 Grade..................................$3,300.00 YR $3,500.00
Tuition is divided into ten monthly payments.
The first being due on August 1st.
These fees include curriculum charges for the year. If any student completes more than seventy-two PACEs, you will be billed for the difference.
The payment schedule must be strictly adhered to by all
attending New Life Christian Academy.
1. Tuition: The first and last tuition payments are due on August 1st. Each month’s tuition is due on the 1st of each month. If payment has not been made by the 10th, a late fee of $25.00 will be applied. If payment has not been made by the 15th, all Paces will be withheld from the student until payment is received.
2. Application Fee and Re-Enrollment Fee: The Application Fee of $220.00 is a one-time fee due upon initial enrollment. The Re-Enrollment Fee is due each year upon re-enrollment of the student.
March - May 31 $150.00
June 1 August $200.00
3. Enrollment and Withdrawal: Any student enrolling or withdrawing in the middle of any month is subject to the full month’s tuition.
4. Other Fees: All applicable fees are due upon enrollment.
Gym Fee (7th - 12th) $40.00
Music/Art Fee (All) $25.00
Lunchroom Supply Fee (All) $25.00
Graduation Fee (Kinder & Senior) $50.00
Yearbook - Optional $25.00
5. Failed PACE Fee: The failed PACE fee is due the following day after receiving notice of a failed Pace. Currently, this fee is $4.50 per Pace.
6. Multiple Sibling Discounts: NLCA offers discounts to families with more than one student enrolled at NLCA during the same school year. The 1st child pays 100% tuition. Additional children receive a $200 discount per year giving you a $20.00 discount per month. The 1st child pays 100% enrollment or re-enrollment fee. Additional children receive a $25.00 discount
7. Service Fee: There will be a $25.00 service fee for any insufficient funds check returned by the bank.
8. Proof of insurance required.